Waltham, MA


Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Most Important Insurance Policy for Young Families


Every year, a typical family may spend well over $5,000 on insurance premiums (not including health insurance): Life insurance, car insurance, homeowners insurance, umbrella coverage, smart phone insurance, etc.  What's the point of paying these premiums year after year?  These policies protect you and your family from a potentially large financial loss even if the risk of an incident happening is extremely small.  

For example, the annual premium on a 20 year $1M term life insurance policy for a 35 year old male might be $1,000.  In the unlikely event of death during the 20 year period, the insurance company will pay the named beneficiaries a death benefit of $1,000,000.  Will the insured complain he wasted $20,000 if he doesn't die during the 20 year period?  He shouldn't because the premiums paid provided him peace of mind that his family would be financially secure if were to pass away unexpectedly.

Read more . . .

Thursday, January 20, 2011


submitted by Brian J. Delaney, Esq.

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website, www.delaneylawoffice.com!  Between the detailed website content and frequent blog entries, we hope to keep our clients up to date on developments in real estate, estate planning, tax law, and elder law. 

We are also teaming up with a company called LegalVault to offer a secure online document storage system for our clients.  LegalVault offers some exciting features.  Clients are able to upload important legal documents to their account and can access the documents from any computer with internet access.  In addition, clients are provided with a wallet card containing an access code for healthcare providers to access their important healthcare documents such as a healthcare proxy, living will, or even a list of allergies and medications. 

 If there is any topic you want us to discuss in our blog, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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465 Waverley Oaks Road, 213, Waltham, MA 02452
| Phone: 781-893-2233

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